
Playing Catch-up

I'm finally back in town, after a much needed break from the hectic life of a law student. Tomorrow starts the next leg of the race, and I feel (moderately) prepared for it.

The final in Criminal Law was certainly... unexpected. I don't want to give away details about the questions or my answers, but the exam certainly shifted us out of the realms where we had practiced up to that point. I've been trying to avoid doing a post-op on the exam, and I think getting out of town helped with that a bit. I hope I did well, since my Crim Law grade matters more to my desired profession than, say, Contracts or Property, but we'll see in a couple weeks when grades are posted.

While I was away, good things happened in the Ron Paul campaign. #5 (9%) in the Iowa straw poll and #3 (18%) in Illinois makes for a dramatic shift from the 1% he had been polling with up to that point. And he spent markedly less than most of the "big name" candidates. I still don't think it's likely that the management of the Republican Party would nominate him, but he's certainly making a buzz in the electorate. We'll just have to sit back and wait.

I'll have more to post after tomorrow, when I get my fall schedule, and I see where the other persons of my study group end up. Whatever happens, I feel pretty confident that I'm ready. Summer start was the right choice for me, and I certainly feel like I got my money's worth. For all pre-Ls reading this, I recommend such a program highly, if for no other reason than the social aspects. And doing it at IU is the icing on the cake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really wouldn't call it a study group. That comes with a whole set of expectations, that may or may not work out. I would call it what it is, your PGA group.