
IU and Indiana Law Rankings

Yes, we all know you're not supposed to care about rankings. But they exist, and, if nothing else, they make for fun conversation.

The TaxProf Blog posed an interesting question recently: how much is a law school helped or hurt by the university of it is a part? "Of the Top 100 (105 with ties) law schools in the most recent ranking, all but 13 are affiliated with national universities." He posted a list of the biggest positive spread and the biggest negative spread schools. I'm proud to say that Indiana Law is #27 on the biggest positive spread list, with a spread of 39 ranks (#36 law school with a #75 undergrad). Maybe we're holding them up.

Although the administration of our law school officially shuns the rankings, it's good to know that we continue to make upwards strides. We are consistently ranked in all sorts of rankings, from U.S. News and World Reports to TaxProf to Professor's Articles Receiving Citations. I'm glad I made a good choice in law school.

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